Xenon is the kind of flash used in professional cameras. The benefits include: better illumination and faster illumination (hence cleaner frozen shots). You can read up some more here: Nothing beats Xenon flash yet. That article was written in 2014, and till now in 2017, nothing still beats it. All the gimmicky stuff being done with LED flash still do not compare.

4 Smartphones with Xenon Flash

If you are anything like me, you are definitely pining for a smartphone with Xenon flash. The problem is that modern smartphones have opted to go with LED flash for various reasons, including: they fit in smaller space (hence thinner phones), they can be used as torchlight (Xenon works as short bursts), and they are much cheaper. But if you really do want a Xenon smartphone, they all belong in the 2010-2014 era, and these phones still are the elite squad of cameraphones. Please, forget what you have heard about your iPhone having the best camera. That’s marketing bullshit (cough!). The best cameraphones have Xenon. Here are 4 relatively modern smartphones with Xenon flash:

Using a Xenon Smartphone in 2018

As you have noticed, using any one of the above smartphones comes with trade-offs. For one, they all have smaller displays by today’s standards. Don’t expect great performance o battery life from the two Android smartphones on the list. Both the Lumia and the Nokia 808 offer better battery life and performance because of the OS they run. But then, again, you can forget about up-to-date apps on them. While Android OS has more apps, don’t forget too that the Galaxy smartphones here run Android 4 Kitkat. In other words, there is no way to use a smartphone with Xenon flash in 2017 without some pain. A way out is to not use any of them as your primary smartphone and just carry it along for photography only. Again, for someone like me, that is an inconvenience: I prefer to travel light and carry only one device on me at any time. Bummer. Anyway, you have been informed. Are you a smartphone photographer? Do you own a Xenon smartphone? Does Xenon flash interest you or do you believe it should be forgotten about and consigned to the dustbin of mobile history?

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