If you are shopping for new or better bowls, you can check out this roundup we made of some of the best wooden salad bowls in the market right now.

Cleaning Wooden Salad Bowls

Hand washing wooden bowls is the best course of action. You should never soak them as they will warp and crack over time. Use warm water and mild dish soap to prevent the bowl from absorbing the smell. It would be best if you did not place your wooden salad bowl in a dishwasher or microwave. To prevent bacterial growth, you can sanitize the bowl with a solution made from white vinegar and water. Use a spray bottle and let the solution sit for a while before rinsing it with plain warm water and wiping it dry. If your wooden salad owl starts splinting, sand it down to remove any splinters. Use medium rough sandpaper of between 400 to 600 grit. You can also use steel wool to smoothen the bowl. Then wash and dry the bowl as usual. Be sure to season the wooden blow every once in a while to maintain it.  You may do it cyclically, but it is best to do it every time you notice that it is looking dull and dry. On the other hand, do not be too hard-handed when washing it to prevent it from drying out and cracking.

Sealing A Wooden Salad Bowl

Start by smoothing the interior of the bowl if it feels rough to the touch. This will also remove any previous coat providing an even sealing surface. Smooth the bowl’s exterior as per your needs. Clean the bowl and let it dry. Wipe it dry using a lint-free cloth then apply the oil of your choice. Let it dry, then apply another coat and repeat until you get the desired finish. Wait two hours between applications to allow the wood to absorb the oil. Let it air dry for 24 hours before applying the final coats and wait another 24 hours before using the bowl. Walnut oil is the best oil as it will harden without affecting the flavor of your salad.

How Do You Clean A Wooden Bowl That Is Sticky?

First, you need to loosen the grime before you can clean the bowl. Heat your oven to between 235 and 275 degrees Celsius. Then turn off the oven and place the wooden bowl in the oven. Let it sit in the oven for one to two hours or until oils start getting rendered from the bowl. Wipe the residue produced and proceed to clean it as usual.

Should You Oil Wooden Salad Bowls?

Yes. They not only help to seal the wood and prevent it from warping, but they also improve its overall appearance.

What Is The Best Oil For Wooden Bowls?

You can choose to use a drying or non-drying oil. Drying oils penetrate the wood causing it to harden, making it more resistant to cracking. The best drying oils are walnut oil, linseed oil, and Tung oil. They also reduce water absorption, which prevents warping. Non-drying oils penetrate the wood but do not harden the wood. Examples of non-drying oils include mineral oil, vegetable oils such as safflower, peanut, corn, and olive oil. You can also use beeswax to seal the wooden bowl. But you have to melt the wax first and then dry the wooden bowl in an oven at its lowest setting. Wipe off any excess wax before it dries to create a smooth sealed surface.

Are Wooden Salad Bowls Safe?

Yes. As long as they do not have a toxic coating or are not meant to be used for food. Do not under any circumstance use a decorative bowl to makes salads as they may have been sealed with a wood sealer that may be toxic.

How To Restore A Vintage Salad Bowl

Use an antiseptic solution such as hydrogen peroxide or a vinegar solution to wipe the wooden bowl. Let it dry as it works to kill off any pathogens on the bowl. If it has any sticky residue, proceed to follow the steps listed above for removing sticky residue from a wooden bowl. If not, hand wash the wooden bowl as usual and seal it to give it a new lease of life. First, let it air dry for at least an hour to make sure no water is retained in the wood before you seal it. You can also sand the bowl down if it has any splinters sticking out. If you force the wood to dry too fast, it may crack. And if it retains water, it may start to warp.