In a recent blog post, the Mountain View-based company said that Meet would soon support up to 500 video call participants. This will surely make it easy for companies that host large meetings. With that being said, you will need to have a Google Workspace Business Plus, Enterprise Plus, Education Plus, or Enterprise Standard account if you want to use the feature. Moreover, if you think that 500 participants won’t suffice, Google Meet now also has an option that lets you live stream so you can broadcast to a maximum of 100,000 viewers. Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic hit people all around the world, we have seen a drastic increase in video conferencing software usage. Be it Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, or Zoom. Everyone has been slowly increasing the number of people who can join a meeting. Unsurprisingly, Google isn’t the first one to do so. Back in August this year, Microsoft made a similar announcement stating they would allow up to 25,000 US Government officials to join a meeting.